When you sign your rental agreement with Sinistar, you will receive your host’s contact information by e-mail. This information will be helpful if you need to contact your host for any of the following reasons:
Questions related to your arrival
Questions about the accommodation (how certain appliances work, where certain items are located, etc.)
Emergency or problem related to the dwelling (e.g., equipment breakdown, water damage)
Methods of communication
Normally, you have access to the host’s e-mail address and phone number. You can choose either of these methods of communication to reach the host. However, in case of emergency, you should use the phone.
Before contacting the host
As a courtesy to your host, first try to find answers in the documentation you received:
Arrival instructions
Accommodation guide prepared by the host (if you have one)
Rental agreement
This way, you will avoid contacting the host unnecessarily. This will help you to maintain a good relationship with them.
If you’re unable to reach your host
Contact your Sinistar agent. They will try to address the issue or direct you to other resources. After hours, call 1-855-717-8878.